Your booking for {{listing.title}} is approaching!
{{#each tx-line-items}}
{{#eq "line-item/hour" code}}
You have booked
{{ listing.title }} from
{{> format-date date=booking.start}} to
{{> format-date date=booking.end}}.
{{/ eq}}
{{#eq "line-item/day" code}}
You have booked
{{ listing.title }} from
{{> format-date-day date=booking.start}} to
{{> format-date-day-before date=booking.end}}.
{{/ eq}}
{{#eq "line-item/night" code}}
You have booked
{{ listing.title }} from
{{> format-date-day date=booking.start}} to
{{> format-date-day date=booking.end}}.
{{/ eq}}
If you have questions about your booking, you can contact {{provider.display-name}} through the order page.
You have
received this email notification because you are a member of
{{}}. If you no longer wish to receive these emails, please contact
{{}} team.